Midwest Adaptive Sports is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on positively impacting the lives of those with physical, cognitive, emotional or behavioral challenges through adaptive recreational and competitive sports. Offering hope, encouragement and the ability to achieve to people with wide range of abilities MAS empowers athletes and enables them to grow physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and depend on donations from individuals and groups who understand and support our mission.
Mission: To provide therapeutic recreational and competitive sports programs for individuals with disabilities. Our objective is to have fun, build independence, self-esteem, confidence, physical development and socialization. We strive to enhance active participation in all aspects of the community by promoting the concept of ability through integration, public awareness and education.
Vision: To empower individuals with physical, cognitive, emotional or behavioral challenges to positively impact their lives and provide the chance for those persons to gain independence, confidence and dignity through sports recreation and competition.