Fast and Furious On The Track AND The (Soccer) Field

Some of us are born track and field athletes or soccer players. But for one woman, finding her niche in running as a teenager was serendipitous. Her venture into soccer at age 46 can be described as nothing but purposeful. If anyone thinks starting a sport later in life is impossible, the story of Kristy … Read more

28 Sports For Adult Athletes Of Every Level To Try

So you’re interested in playing sports as an adult. Whether you’re new to the world of playing sports or you’re already a seasoned adult athlete, you’ll find a wealth of ideas in our comprehensive list of adult sports to try. And when you’re ready to check out some less mainstream sports, we’ve got you covered … Read more

JetBall: The New Sport You’ll Want To Play

Guys playing the new sport of JetBall

Ever wonder how a new sport gets its start? Of course, they all start with an idea, but putting ideas into action is what really helps a new sport gain traction. And so begins the story of the unique sport of JetBall. Luce Harrell, a lifetime resident of Jacksonville, Florida, and lover of all things … Read more

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