IDA Soccer Cleats: Honest Review By A Female Player

IDA sports soccer cleats. Black cleats with blue and white zigzag pattern.

Take a soccer cleat designed around a man’s foot. Shrink it. Pink it. Sell it to women and girls. That’s been the standard protocol for women’s and girls’ soccer cleats offerings–until IDA hit the scene.  IDA is the only company to design soccer boots specifically for the female foot anatomy. I’ll tell you why that’s important … Read more

18 Unconventional Sports For The Adult Athlete

Three men at bottom of pool playing non-mainstream sport of

Playing traditional sports like soccer or basketball is popular with adult athletes for a reason. But why not leave your comfort zone and consider these 18 unconventional adult sports if you’re one to buck tradition? They offer something different if you aren’t into traditional sports while still challenging your athletic mettle. Once you’ve found the … Read more

37 Adult Sports Camps: The Ultimate List For Your Inner Athlete

Better at Beach adult sports camps volleyball

This is the most comprehensive list of adult sports camps you’ll find anywhere. Whether you’re looking for sport-specific training to improve your skills or a fantasy sports camp experience, this list has it. Who says sports camps just have to be for kids? Not us! We cover every type of adult sports camp including volleyball, … Read more

Social Sports Leagues: Fast Track To New Friends

XOSO Sports & Social League softball photo

Cover photo credit: XOSO Sport & Social League The option to play adult sports as a way to boost your social life is still relatively new in the grand scheme of recreational sports. But with the inception of national social sports leagues like CLUBWAKA and SportsKind, and regional leagues like and FXA Adult Sports, the … Read more

For Love of the Game: How One Woman’s Love for Playing Soccer Became a Business

soccer women lined up in a row with arms across each other's shoulders

The fact that soccer has woven itself into nearly every aspect of Brandi Mitchell’s life wasn’t by design. Instead, it has been more of a series of fortuitous events. Brandi, the founder of San Diego Soccer Women and Soccer Women Play, has become a prominent figure in the world of women’s recreational soccer–not only in … Read more

Need a Mental Health Boost? Recreational Sports Might Be The Cure.

graphic of brain embedded with sports balls

Besides the benefit of physical fitness, playing sports as an adult is an incredible way to stay mentally fit. Mental health benefits apply in particular to recreational sports players, from the beginner adult recreational athlete to the weekend warrior. Coming out of a time when our worlds were turned upside down and mental health challenges … Read more

Recreational Softball and Baseball: A Beginner’s Guide


Bet you can’t name a sport more ubiquitous throughout corporate offices across America than adult recreational softball. Baseball, the sexier older cousin of softball, is, of course, America’s favorite pastime. Whether you’re already an athlete or maybe just want to be one when you grow up, adult rec softball and baseball leagues offer something for … Read more

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