The Ultimate Guide To Playing Ultimate Frisbee

two men playing ultimate both reaching for frisbee in air

If you’re looking for an adult sport that’s fast-paced, competitive, non-contact, and requires minimal gear, ultimate might be right up your alley. Often referred to as ultimate Frisbee, the true players simply call it ultimate (Frisbee is a trademarked brand name). Ultimate has an almost cultish following of adult athletes, which tells you there’s something … Read more

LGBTQ+ Adult Sports: Where Inclusivity Trumps Exclusivity

fingers forming heart with a rainbow overlay

Have you heard about something really cool happening in adult recreational sports? LGBTQ+ adult sports leagues are making their mark in a landscape that wasn’t always welcoming. But times are changing. Once limited to large gay-friendly cities like San Francisco, LGBTQ+ adult sports leagues are now in places you might not expect, like Honolulu and … Read more

Practical & Whimsical Gadgets For Adult Athletes

cyclist wearing glasses that have a rearview mirror in them showing a car behind him

If you’re an adult athlete or if you have one in your life, this list of 24 gadgets and gear is great for anyone with a sporty lifestyle. From the practical to the whimsical, you’re sure to find a gadget or new piece of gear you’ll need–or at least want. If techie gear is your … Read more

Learn Volleyball As An Adult+Find Out Where To Play

indoor volleyball game with two men jumping at net

Getting into volleyball as an adult novice might initially feel intimidating. But with knowledge comes power–or at least more self-confidence. Once you grasp the basics of volleyball, you’ll be ready to play the game, whether in a gym, on sand, on grass, or any other surface. Whether it’s been years since you’ve touched a volleyball … Read more

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