22 Atlanta Adult Sports Leagues: You’ll Want This List

Atlanta skyline at dusk with purple sky

Fortunately, if you live in Atlanta, you’ve got options when it comes to finding adult sports leagues near you. But that doesn’t mean the process can’t be overwhelming and time-consuming when you have to Google your way through many somewhat difficult-to-navigate league websites. But you’re in luck–Adults Play Sports is here to help you find … Read more

Too Many Sports? Not For This Adult Athlete!

Hiking trail with mountain in backgrounds and Cammas Freeman on the trail

Basketball. Golf. Pickleball. Hiking. Snowshoeing. For 48-year-old Cammas Freeman, age is no deterrent to playing sports. Her only deterrent is not having enough time to jam in all the sports she wants to play as an adult athlete. In addition to her sports activities, Cammas is the founder of a successful recruiting firm and the … Read more

Learn To Play Hockey As An Adult. We Tell You How!


Didn’t think learning to play hockey as an adult was a thing? Well, it definitely is, and we’ll give you the lowdown on how to get into the game of hockey as a grown-up. Whether you’re male, female, a former hockey player, or a complete beginner, there are hockey leagues for you! With learning and … Read more

Play Baseball As An Adult. We Tell You How!

Dugout with closeup of baseball bat and 5 balls on the bench with a glove.

Are you ready to step onto the baseball field and play ball? Even as an adult, there are plenty of options to experience the joy of playing America’s favorite pastime and create your own field of dreams. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone who played in their youth, it’s never too late to start … Read more

Play Basketball As An Adult: We’ll Tell You How!

basektball lying on outside court closeup

Did you know that it’s never too late to learn how to play basketball–even as an adult? In fact, many grown-ups are picking up the game later in life and reaping the benefits both physically and mentally. Playing basketball can improve your cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength, and provide a great opportunity for social interaction. … Read more

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