The Arizona Women’s Soccer League (AWSL) is home to 18+ soccer teams comprised of women ranging in age 18 to 70 and include skills from the novice to the more advanced levels. The AWSL was founded in the mid-1980’s and for over 30 years has been dedicated to developing women’s soccer skills and increasing soccer opportunities, not just in play but also in officiating. Recently, the AWSL and SRA co-sponsored a referee class focused on promoting women in the field.
September through April each year we hold 16 games (8 in the first half and 8 in the second).
We play on SUNDAYS.
We also coordinate and/or sponsor multiple tournaments through out the year. By being a member of the Arizona State Soccer Association (ASSA) our players are eligible to participate in other tournaments such as the Copper Cup, the Friendship Cup, and the Grand Canyon Cup, just to name a few.