EMASS welcomes players of all skill levels and offers a safe, well-organized opportunity to play competitive slow-pitch softball.
EMASS is a vibrant community of more than 450 members who love softball and compete in a spirited, sportsmanlike manner. Our players range in age from 50 to 80-plus and play in four weekday and two Saturday divisions of different age groups and skill levels. No matter your ability, you will find a spot in one or more of our six divisions. We have paid umpires and we play on well-groomed fields in Framingham, Medfield and Wayland.
What does ‘Senior Softball League’ mean to EMASS members?
Community, Sportsmanship, Competition.
The EMASS mission: Provide players of all skill levels with a safe, well-organized opportunity to play competitive slow-pitch softball. We are all at least 50 years old and appreciate that we are still able to play this game we love. We enjoy competing with similarly skilled teammates and we welcome everyone (even Yankee fans).
How many divisions are there in EMASS?
We have 6 divisions to accommodate players of diverse skill levels. All divisions play double-headers in the morning. There are 2 Saturday divisions and 4 weekday divisions. In each division, returning and new players are assigned to new teams every year to balance the competition and to allow players to play with one another as teammates as well as against one another as competitors.
What are the age restrictions in each division?
Players who reach age 50 or older during the year of play can enroll in whichever divisions they prefer regardless of age and skills. The only exception is the Metro division which is restricted to players 65 and older.
EMASS allows players to self-select which divisions they prefer to play in. Occasionally, a division coordinator may ask players to switch divisions for safety reasons.
Is EMASS just for men, or are women allowed too?
We are a league for men and women who love to play competitive softball. We do not play Co-Ed rules. There are a few women playing in EMASS today and we would love to add more.