At FOOTY, we developed an innovative platform to connect players to our soccer leagues. Our user-friendly website makes it easy to connect you to a competition that best suits you. We have 7 versus 7 soccer for Men, Coed, and Women. Join as a team or as individual on various evenings & sports parks throughout Arizona. Work Hard Play Footy!
The concept is simple, yet effective. Choose a location, what times work best, and play a match. Weekly. That’s all there is to it. We handle the rest.
Didn’t win during the league? There is a chance for revenge. At the end of the season, we organize a soccer tournament with all of the teams. Make it count during this finale, where you get a second chance to earn a Footy Cup. Let’s go!
So, all that is left to do is to tell all your friends, family, and/or co-workers that you’re assembling a soccer team. Spread the word at the office (imagine the carpool possibilities) or post a message on social media. Start playing Footy and start winning.