Men’s Senior Baseball League of Southern Colorado Inc.
Calvin Ryland and Gary Self originally organized the MSBL of Southern Colorado in 1992. The League began with four teams and has continually expanded in size and reputation. The MABL was formed in 1996 to provide baseball opportunities to players ages 18 and over. The official name of the league then became the MSBL/MABL of Southern Colorado. In 2008, after coordination with the IRS and the state of Colorado, the league officially established itself as a not-for-profit organization. The league was renamed the MSBL of Southern Colorado Inc.
The League philosophy is to create, sustain, and expand the community environment in which adults have the opportunity to participate in a well-organized, competitive and enjoyable baseball league. It represents the opportunity to play hardball, rather than the alternative, softball. In achieving this philosophy, the League emphasizes and promotes competitiveness, fairness, and recreational enjoyment. The responsibility of sustaining this philosophy rests with the League Committee, umpires, team managers, and all member players.
The League is currently organized into three age-group divisions: MABL(18+) and MSBL(48+). Each division plays in its division and can play in inter-division or inter-league games, as indicated at the spring meeting. Standings are determined by divisional records. Statistics are posted by managers or reported to the league, which posts them to the website.
The number of games in a season is determined at the beginning of each season based on the number of teams in each division and the availability of baseball fields in the Colorado Springs area. The season usually begins in mid-April or early May, with playoffs in August. The annual draft is usually conducted in March.
The League abides by the National MSBL/MABL rules. Additionally, the League has its own rules and policies which either change or supplement the National rules. The local rules take precedence over any corresponding National rules.