Looking for an organized league as an alternative to pick-up games? Myers Park Presbyterian has the solution, offering an outstanding men’s basketball league. Our league consist of 5 v 5 full court with 2 referees and a scorekeeper per game. This is an opportunity to gather your friends, old high school or college buddies, and form a team to relive your glory years. This league is a semi competitive (Rec league) that gives you an opportunity to stay fit and have fun. Player’s that compete in this league cannot have any pro experience. Players must be out of high school and cannot be playing on a collegiate team. Games are usually on Tuesdays or Wednesdays depending on the number of teams that we have. The amount of games are usually based off of the amount of teams. At the bare minimum, you will play 7 regular season games and a single elimination playoff. If you need more detail information, please contact us.
“Be Blessed”
Myers Park Presbyterian Church Outreach Center
North Carolina
United States