The League is comprised of players from their early 50s to middle 80s. During the month of November 2022, managers for the six (6) teams will be responsible for selecting players for their teams.
Many of the players have played in National Championship Tournaments, such as SSWC, SSWS, SPA, Huntsmans Games, ISSA, ISA, ASA, and the Florida Half Century.
A 40-game schedule is played during the January to March season. Playoffs are held at the end of the season for the following trophies:
1. Championship Trophy – Awarded to the winner of the Championship Playoff Finals
2. Presidential Trophy – Awarded to the runner-up in the Championship Playoff Finals.
The league play is very competitive but with a spirit of camaraderie among the players. Anyone who is at least 50 years “young” or will be 50 during the upcoming season is welcome to apply to one of the best competitive senior softball leagues on the east coast of Florida.