Southern Maryland Coed Soccer is a non-profit, fully recreational, adult soccer league. We aim to provide a fun, safe, non-aggressive environment where our members can enjoy the benefits of the beautiful game. We recognize the importance of all our members to the success of the league, regardless of age, skill, or experience. To that end, we encourage all adult residents of St Mary’s County and Calvert County to participate and promote healthy living by staying active, getting a little exercise, and having some fun.
General Information
We play our games in area parks, depending on field availability. Soccer fields in the Southern Maryland area are few and in high demand. All our games are played on Sunday afternoons. We generally play 7-on-7 format on smaller-than-regulation fields, again, depending on field availability. The times depend on the number of teams that register in a given season, but generally, they start no earlier than 11:00 and end by 8:00. Please monitor the website and Facebook for details and schedules.
We encourage you to get out and get some exercise while having fun doing it. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! We have players of all skill levels